1. How to use WhatsApp for VTiger 6.X Setup WhatsApp Workflow

How to use WhatsApp for VTiger 6.X Setup WhatsApp Workflow

Setup WhatsApp Workflowwamsg5

  • WhatsApp workflow allows sending Automated WhatsApp messages on the
    trigger event of any module link with the WhatsApp module.
  • Automated WhatsApp messages sent to an Individual WhatsApp number or to the Group associated with a
    selected WhatsApp number.

    • Select “From number” to send WhatsApp from the selected
      WhatsApp number if more than one number is registered in the
      WhatsApp extension.
    • Select “Send WhatsApp to Recipient” to send a WhatsApp
      message to record.
    • Select “Send WhatsApp to Group” to send a WhatsApp message to
      the group associated with the WhatsApp number.
  • The WhatsApp workflow can configure the whatsapp messages to whom we
    want to send individually or in a group, whatsapp templates to share
    files or message format, general field, add fields and message.